On the frontlines – teaching students; teaching teachers. A source for EdTech tips, tricks, and solutions.

Contact Me

I am a Google Educator and an English Teacher from Littleton Public Schools. I started my Master’s Degree from CU Denver in Information and Learning Technologies Fall 2014. As a founding member of the Colorado Educator Network, I am looking to provide an opportunity for local teachers to connect, build community, and improve education together. I have presented at several conferences including the NCTE National Conference, InnEdCo, DCSD GeekCamp14, and Edcamp Denver as well as leading school-wide learning opportunities on project-based learning and building a PLN.

“True education is a kind of never ending story — a matter of continual beginnings, of habitual fresh starts, of persistent newness.”
                 ~J.R.R. Tolkien
I love helping teachers learn to teach in a digital age so that our students are prepared for the future - whatever that may look like. If you would like to utilize my services, feel free to contact me in the ways listed below.

Connect with me:

G+: +NateUbowski 
Twitter: @Denverubow
My Wordpress Blog: www.persistentnewness.com
My EdTech Tips Blog: edtechvanguard.blogspot.com
My Classroom hub: www.teacherubow.com

The views expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect the views of the school district or school in which I currently work.